You are haunted by the same three memories over & over again. The first memory involves a group of girls you went to high school with. These were the kind of girls who would not talk to the kinds of girls who would to you. You couldn’t tell the girls apart from one another if they unstitched the silky filament that held their limbs together. You couldn’t tell them apart if they inserted human characteristics into their actions & speech. The second memory involves a rocket. You find your arms & legs strapped to this restless device. It is midnight. The person who fell asleep next to you seems to have evaporated in feathers & can only be observed in very occasional flashes of light. They flaunt their so-called sexual freedom by cracking down on semantic trespasses. How fastidious they are! And how quickly they race towards the sun! The third memory is not a memory at all, but an imagined act that will take place at some indeterminate point in the future. In it, you have finally arrived at your destination. Not surprisingly, your feet & hands have been severed from your limbs. Your torso has been punctured with long metal spikes. One of the girls from the first memory is there too. She is eyeless & seems much more arty-crafty than she did before. There is no purchase with the ground without touching down. Turns out, things will never be any easier than they are now.